Thursday, January 22, 2015

Environmental Contamination Report (LOEL Lab): SafeStep 7300 Extreme Ice Melter

Environmental Contamination Report: SafeStep 7300 Extreme Ice Melter
Sasha, Sofia, and Matt A.


The LOAEL of contaminant ice melter on Triticum aestivum will be 0.5%.

Null hypothesis: 
Triticum aestivum will not survive with levels of calcium chloride above 0.5%.


-Safe Step 7300 Extreme Ice Melter
-Hard Red Wheat Sprouting Seeds
- Potting Soil
-Planting Container
-Mortar Pestle


In this lab, we estimated the Lowest Observed Adverse Effect Level on the Hard Red Wheat seeds when planted in soil and watered in a solution of water and calcium chloride.  We estimated that this level would be at 0.5%.  Since that percentage seemed too low to have an adverse effect on the plant, we also planted some wheat that we would water with solutions of 10%, 20%, and 50%.  In addition to using solutions contaminated with Safe Step’s de-icing salt, we also planted wheat seeds in soil and watered them using a traditional, pure tap water solution (the controlled section).  
For each wheat “section” (the controlled and the treated seeds), we repeated the experiment 2 more times in order to have 3 trials in order to lock in the results gotten for each trial row.  


It was clear that our plants did not survive passed a 1% concentration of water-dissolved Ice Melter solution.  At 2.5% and 5% concentrations, there was no plant growth of the seeds and only minor seed germination.  The 0.5% and 1% sprouted slightly, but Winter Break came around before we were able to see any significant growth.


Control: Full Growth
0.5%: few sprouts, smaller than control group
1%: very few sprouts, tiny in height
2.5%: No Growth
5%: No Growth

Masses (grams) Height (of tallest from each group/inches)
control: 1.76 control: 4.75
0.5%: 1.35 0.5%: 5.25
1%: 0.81 1%: 3.75
2.5%: N/A 2.5%: N/A
5%: N/A 5%: N/A

SafeStep 7300 Extreme Ice Melter

Making the solutions:
5%- as is
2.5% 250 mL of 5% solution 250 mL added H2O
1% 100 mL of 5% solution 400 mL added H2O
0.5% 50 mL of 5% solution 450 mL added H2O

Watering Schedule:
Day 1: 15 mL
Day 2: 15 mL
Day 3: 5 mL
Day 4: no water
Day 5: no water
Day 6: 10 mL
Day 7: 10 mL

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